I don't need to look good. My goal is not to look good. My goal is to prevent someone who I don't see as fit from becoming a moderator. I may be petty, but your responses are not of those made by moderators.
What about the rest of the server? If you become moderator and make bad decisions then there could be much more problems. To be completely honest, I don't think you're a bad person or anything, I just don't believe that you are fit to be a moderator.
Well. There's about 20 people who think that and over 50 who don't. I haven't been warned, muted, or banned on both the server and forums for over 4 months. So clearly, I am doing something right.
I'm sorry for continuously bugging you. I tried to find reasons to support your application but I only found more reasons not to support it. Have a good day.
Comments on Profile Post by Teeeb