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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kam.

    1. Teeeb
      unless they have Instagram or sc
      Jun 25, 2017
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    2. Ares_Xena
      That's not entirely true. Somewhat, but not entirely. I dated 3 people in my ''teenage'' years. 2 of those were online. Flew over to see both of them and had the best time of my life.
      Jun 25, 2017
      Teeeb likes this.
    3. YoShadow
      The world may never know.
      Jun 25, 2017
    4. Kam.
      I understand, I just idk. Im not trying to disrespect anyone it's just some people date like new people everyweek and I don't understand.
      Jun 26, 2017