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  • Comments on Profile Post by hyt3kk

    1. canucksfan44
      Well it should come soon. If it doesn't send an email to [email protected] and show them the receipt ID and stuff like that to prove you made the purchase.
      Aug 15, 2014
    2. hyt3kk
      Thanks for your answer. I have sent 2 emails and still no answer nor any stuff have been received.
      Aug 16, 2014
    3. canucksfan44
      Be patient. If that doesn't work I will tell an administrator myself :)
      Aug 16, 2014
    4. hyt3kk
      Thank you ! Lets hope it does get solved today as my son is anxious to getting started :)
      Aug 16, 2014
    5. canucksfan44
      Me too! Good luck!
      Aug 16, 2014