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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kam.

    1. YoShadow
      Are you asking what is new with it being updated? Or has something else happened to the server itself?
      Jun 23, 2017
    2. Kam.
      Like what's wrong with the commands? And why does it keep saying "Do not repeat the same sentence" or whatever when you try to do the /p chat. Like it's kinda stupid.. :/
      Jun 23, 2017
    3. YoShadow
      It's just doing that to prevent spam. To prevent that just do a different command or just wait a second to type again, you'll get used to it the more you do it. I know it's annoying.
      Jun 23, 2017
    4. Kam.
      Yeah, it's just super annoying and I hate it sooo much, but it's whatever I guess.
      Jun 23, 2017
    5. YoShadow
      Yeah I can understand, it does get pretty repetitive.
      Jun 23, 2017
    6. Kam.
      Well thanks for responding to my post My name is Kam btw.
      Jun 24, 2017
      YoShadow likes this.
    7. YoShadow
      No problem.
      Jun 24, 2017