You know what I find strange? Whenever a American has done something. it turns out that the man is mental, or is diagnosed with a disease. When it's a muslim, he accordingly is apart of ISIS or Al-Qaeda. This bothers me especially because the fact that I'm muslim makes it worse. I've had a kid that I used to be friends started being racist to me.
He told me that I caused Manchester, and Paris attack. Then he said "You told me to kill myself, you muslim." That bothers me a lot. Anyways, don't wanna talk much about this publicly. DM me reborn. :p
Responding to people who say you're the cause of a terrorist attack because of your race/religion by telling them they're the cause of whatever atrocities you associate with their race/religion doesn't help anything, it just brings you down to their level by doing exactly what they've done to you. Be the change you want to see in the world and ignore them, don't retaliate.
I don't give two flying (insert curse word here) about what gender, race, or religion the person was from. Couldn't care less. If you're a terrorist, you need a bullet through your head. Don't care if they're white or black.
Thats cause the Islam's are fleeing here its not like we say all are bad but certian people get scared like any would since there is a "telling" if they are that type of race as most people are white in this country" not to be racist its free country.
But, we would never tell. if that person is bad since there is a stigma almost. (Not all Islam are bad most are not just like there are bad of every race.) True meaning should be we shouldnt judge a race as all arn't feen's or brute's and just not judge them off skin color.
Didn't really read the main two things. Just gonna type this about the last thing: It shouldn't.
There, nothing else, no drama, no big conversation or reply needed.
All of the top intelligence services in the world have found that 15-25% of Muslims are extremists. That is 240-400 million People. Through many, many surveys, both government and private sector businesses found that 40% of British Muslims are extremists.
So this just proves that it's not a small handful of people, it is Islam.
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