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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kyaaaal

    1. dera
      lol no
      Jun 14, 2017
    2. Kyaaaal
      dafuq are you
      Jun 14, 2017
    3. clxrity
      Just the local mod hater. Moto: "always take any opportunity to tell the staff they are horrible even if you don't know anything."
      Jun 14, 2017
    4. Kyaaaal
      Clarity you are so bad what are you even doing here!
      Jun 14, 2017
    5. Andrewswj
      lol no need to say 'you don't know anything', it's just going to cause arguments. And anyway you know we're not referring to you as being "terrible" @Clxrity
      Jun 14, 2017
    6. Kyaaaal
      Most players are completely oblivious unless they've previously held the position.
      Jun 14, 2017
      Andrewswj and clxrity like this.
    7. Andrewswj
      Ok, fine, that I agree to a certain extent. The basics, they probably know, but what actually goes on, probably not. But the conclusion is still the same.
      Jun 15, 2017
    8. Kyaaaal
      You just undermined your own conclusion though. The fact that the regular player thinks that they know what moderators actually do - in full - is beyond belief.
      Jun 15, 2017
    9. Andrewswj
      yeah I agree when you're talking about 'in full'.
      Jun 15, 2017