Sarcasm? Well thanks, glad to see there are people who don't care about me because this server is making me depressed and also because the quality of the server is going down. @WiiTarded that's just hypocritical considering i didn't do anything wrong (Besides the facts that i tell people to kill themselves but hey its because of my temper, and i hacked but i quit).
and apparently i'm an idiot because i asked for a perm ban from infection? All i do is ask for help and you're all just being jerks about it. I would've stayed on this server if it weren't for all your $%#holery.
I don't get why you keep complaining about this server. If it is making you 'depressed' you don't have to make such a big deal out of it, just leave.
(also getting perm-banned on infection is quite easy if you ask me)
Dude you're not doing anything but making a scene. If you're really that into attention seeking then realize that this server isn't the one for you.
All you do is update everyday about the days you've been trying to get banned for; ngl no one gives a damn. If you're trying to get banned for the title, stop lol.
The most fustrating thing is that staff aren't allowed to perm ban on certain game modes and pile isn't going to go out of her way to just ban someone for the sake of them wanting to be banned. He knows this but thinks there's going to be an exception for him.
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