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  • Comments on Profile Post by b0rn_c0fused

    1. Ruminisque
      You don't need to talk about it. It's just exercise.
      May 15, 2017
    2. b0rn_c0fused
      Ik but I did it and I'm doing training for races so I thought to share cause I have nothing else too
      May 17, 2017
    3. Ruminisque
      I'm sorry for my comment. That was rude of me. You have the right to talk about anything you want. Again, my apologies, and I think it's great that you're taking the time to exercise and train.
      May 17, 2017
    4. b0rn_c0fused
      Thank you and ik you didn't mean to be rude
      May 17, 2017
    5. b0rn_c0fused
      Thank you for admitting you said something rude and took responsibility for it not alot of people do
      May 17, 2017