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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Sparky
      Hoi there :3
      May 7, 2017
      Scorv likes this.
    2. Scorv
      What cha up to?
      May 7, 2017
    3. Sparky
      Watching crime shows and eating my dinner, what about chu?
      May 7, 2017
    4. Scorv
      Oooh, sounds fun. I woke up early, wish I didn't. -.- Just getting ready for the day now. What show you watching?
      May 7, 2017
    5. Sparky
      It's about California's Hardest Female Prison, It's quite interesting. I hate waking up early -.- but what do you have planned for the day?
      May 7, 2017
    6. Scorv
      Oh, kinda like Orange is the new Black? I have mostly the usual planned for today(daily chores, play mc/overwatch, exercise), but I'm mowing the lawn and planning on balling with some friends. ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)
      May 7, 2017
    7. Sparky
      Yes, very much like that! Well I hope you have a wonderful day hun! :3
      May 7, 2017
    8. Scorv
      Thanks! ^-^ What do you have planned for tomorrow?
      May 7, 2017
    9. Sparky
      Getting my sibling's ready for school, cleaning the house, doing a few phone calls, mc and I'm planning on Skype calling someone tomorrow as well. :D
      May 7, 2017
    10. Scorv
      Sounds like a busy one. I hope you have a fun day. :D
      May 7, 2017
    11. Sparky
      Thank you love! :)
      May 7, 2017
    12. Scorv
      If you're still on tonight, maybe we can have a lil' 1v1 on OP. ;]
      May 7, 2017
    13. Sparky
      I'll kick yo butt Scor. ;3
      May 7, 2017
      Scorv likes this.
    14. Scorv
      Probably. I'm an op Infection player, not pvper. xP
      May 7, 2017
    15. Sparky
      We'll see what happens, just message me on Skype when, I gotta go to sleep soon seeing that it's 11pm. xD
      May 7, 2017
    16. Scorv
      Well if you gotta go to sleep, don't let me stop you. I'll still message you when I get on though. ;)
      May 7, 2017
    17. Sparky
      I'll be waiting then, just can't wait to kick that butt of yours. ;D
      May 7, 2017