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  • Comments on Profile Post by dankmeme

    1. WiiTarded
      there are reasons y he isn't already senior mod
      May 2, 2017
    2. Kyra
      no one asked you wii
      May 3, 2017
      ferras and Scorv like this.
    3. Scorv
      To be, or not to be. That is the question.
      May 3, 2017
    4. WiiTarded
      @Kyra then ask scorvix y he's one of the most reported mods ever
      May 4, 2017
    5. Kyra
      because he's a savage
      May 4, 2017
    6. Scorv
      People report me cause they don't like it when I ban them for breaking the rules. :P If any of those reports were actually legit, I wouldn't be a mod. And while we're talking about mod doing the most of something. I'm the mod who's banned the most rule breakers in the history of the staff team. By a landslide too. Mostly thanks to how active I am in-game.
      May 4, 2017
      dankmeme likes this.
    7. WiiTarded
      May 4, 2017
    8. Kyra
      i remember when scor was a little loser just flying around in archer sigh
      May 4, 2017
    9. Scorv
      Who says I've changed? ;D
      May 4, 2017
    10. Kyra
      i don't go ingame so idk hun ;>
      May 4, 2017