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  • Comments on Profile Post by ferras

    1. Stacker7
      Hope he doesn't
      Apr 29, 2017
      dankmeme likes this.
    2. sircorgi
      awhh so twiggered it's coot!!

      get off Stacker, I don't appreciate a 13 year old who's hitting on a girl that's older than them posting trash on my profile.

      Sorry Kyra if that offended you btw
      May 1, 2017
      Greg likes this.
    3. Stacker7
      Why tf do people like you? You're a loser. Just quit the server. All you do is post pictures of your dog but I'm pretty sure no one gives a fu**. And don't bring Kyra into this.
      May 1, 2017
    4. Maxine
      Imo the lil dog is pretty cayoot ;)
      May 2, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    5. sircorgi
      @Kyra Stacker said not to bring you into this
      May 2, 2017
    6. Stacker7
      I don't want her to be annoyed with this bs. It's just you and me.
      May 2, 2017
    7. Kyra
      firstly, stacker is perfectly fine with whatever he does and he's always been the one there for me so don't you dare try to come at him in any way considering that would result in us having problems. As for you, do not continue to try and "roast" stacker, otherwise i'd have to step in and id rather not hun.
      May 2, 2017
      Stacker7 likes this.
    8. sircorgi
      well can't u tell him to stop having a go at me for nothing?

      he posted something and as a harmless joke I just said something around the lines of "since when were u the edgy ex mod"
      May 3, 2017
    9. Kyra
      that may seem rude to people considering this places toxicity level is over 9000;) but, just watch what you say and stacker will do the same.
      May 3, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    10. sircorgi
      ay stacker can we just drop this and forgive each other?
      May 3, 2017
    11. Stacker7
      May 3, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    12. sircorgi
      May 4, 2017