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  • Comments on Profile Post by IExo_

    1. Mega_
      I remember when I triggered everyone with what I said, there was a time when I couldn't go on oppvp because I would get it offline after about 5 minutes.

      Everyone on here is uptight and most can't take a joke, or even see when someone is being sarcastic or using irony. They have liberal views but act like conservatives.
      Apr 18, 2017
      IExo_ likes this.
    2. IExo_
      Well im a conservative and i'm just like you

      I mean idek where you get your information but me and my whole family are conservatives and were just like you/eachother

      But goddamn people can't take a joke

      There was a thread about this little b***t who got upset about hitler jokes

      Apr 18, 2017
      Mega_ likes this.
    3. Mega_
      I'm conservative too. People on here honestly can't take a joke. They also don't realise that humour is subjective, some people find "yo momma" jokes the best while others such as myself can have a laugh at pretty much anything. I even laugh when people make jokes aimed at me if they're funny.
      Apr 18, 2017
      IExo_ likes this.
    4. IExo_
      You get it@!! goddamn this is why i like you
      Apr 18, 2017
    5. WiiTarded
      @IExo_ my hitler jokes got removed for being inappropriate, and it didn't even have anything to do with killing jews
      Apr 18, 2017
      Mega_ likes this.
    6. IExo_
      The freakin mods bro
      Apr 18, 2017
      Mega_ and WiiTarded like this.
    7. WiiTarded
      rip banned again
      Apr 20, 2017