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  • Comments on Profile Post by Swift

    1. sircorgi
      how can bedwars be a life changer..?
      Apr 18, 2017
    2. Swift
      you wouldn't understand cause you never played with this particular group
      Apr 22, 2017
    3. sircorgi
      no no.

      Bedwars cannot change your life. Stop acting like is.
      Apr 22, 2017
    4. Tigerz
      I still talk to like 5 people I met on bw lol ^
      Apr 23, 2017
    5. sircorgi
      not a huge life changer tho
      Apr 24, 2017
    6. Tigerz
      I've gone to plenty of those people for irl help
      Apr 24, 2017
    7. sircorgi
      no no, you're evading the question.

      Has bedwars changed your life? I'm not talking about the friends on there, I'm talking about bedwars in itself.
      Apr 24, 2017
    8. Tigerz
      The game itself never changed me but the people I met there did lol
      Apr 25, 2017
    9. sircorgi

      Bedwars did not change your life Nathan, people did.
      Apr 26, 2017
    10. Tigerz
      If bedwars didn't exist I wouldn't have met those people
      Apr 26, 2017
    11. sircorgi
      you could've asked other people those same questions

      even so it's not like those questions have changed your life. If they did and those questions were really serious then you need to rethink where you ask life questions.
      Apr 27, 2017
    12. Sando3
      But yet so, I would not be the person I am today without playing bedwars with those particular people
      Apr 27, 2017
    13. sircorgi
      look all I'm saying is that saying a minecraft game is a life changer is far fetched and just makes it seem like you're being over-dramatic
      Apr 28, 2017
    14. Swift
      @Sando3 & @Policy get it.

      idk why you don't lol.

      you realize if the bedwars game didn't exist we would not have met those people that we go to for irl issues?
      thats the point I'm trying to make.

      gtfo already.

      also it sounds like you've been thinking you've been talking to me this entire time. lol.
      Apr 29, 2017
    15. sircorgi
      it's sad thinking of people who claim a minecraft game is a life changer

      Apr 29, 2017
    16. Tigerz
      You don't listen very well...

      I never said the game did very much. All I said is that it existed. If it didn't exist I wouldn't have had to have gone to those people bc I wouldn't have met them.
      Apr 29, 2017
    17. sircorgi
      Not talkin to you tho
      Apr 29, 2017
    18. Sando3
      Reborn, can you just not lmao. It's the people who have changed us, but I would never have met Tigerz or Swift if it wasn't for Mineverse having bedwars. I literally found Mineverse searching for bedwars
      Apr 30, 2017
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