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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. KinderEggs
      You think that why?
      Apr 2, 2017
    2. sircorgi
    3. KinderEggs
      you find that sad because?
      Apr 4, 2017
    4. sircorgi
      because you act like some innocent person one second and the next you're a person bashing on a moderator that did nothing wrong
      Apr 5, 2017
    5. KinderEggs
      Nothing wrong? The moderator ignored a hacker and other people swearing. Until someone finally swore about him and it was barely harmful.
      Apr 5, 2017
    6. sircorgi
      and where was the proof he banned them?

      You don't understand. Ordi needs to first identify the hacker, RECORD THEM, and ban them. But, before he can, he needs to look over his evidence before confirming the ban.
      Apr 6, 2017
    7. sircorgi
      Chat offences are much easier to be handled than hacking. He most likely was not ignoring them. Just because you perceive it as that isn't always going to be the true story.
      Apr 6, 2017
    8. sircorgi
      and don't mind me asking, but why call out ALL staff members when it was only one staff member you were bashing on?
      "...how staff members actually notice what's going on.."
      Apr 6, 2017