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  • Comments on Profile Post by Gabe

    1. Sparky
      Oh hey there! I think I've seen you before either on old Prison or Op PvP. How are you? :)
      Mar 30, 2017
    2. Gabe
      I'm good thanks for asking and yea I did play Old Prison a lot. How are you?
      Mar 30, 2017
    3. Sparky
      That's where I must of seen you and I'm pretty good as well thank you. Got any plans for today?
      Mar 31, 2017
    4. Gabe
      Just woke up lol, and not really just school glad its a friday! How about you? Any Plans
      Mar 31, 2017
    5. Sparky
      Well it's 11pm and it's already Friday for me, so most of my day is already gone, haha. I'm currently over at a friends house tonight and we'll go out for some breakfast in the morning, after that I'm not to sure. I hope you have a lovely day at school by the way, oh and good morning! :)
      Mar 31, 2017
    6. Gabe
      Wow you are so nice :), but I hope you have a good time at your friends house and have a lovely night.
      Mar 31, 2017
    7. Sparky
      Thank you very much Hun, I had a wonderful time! Breakfast was great and now I'm just chilling at their house for a bit. :)
      Mar 31, 2017
    8. Gabe
      That's good, just came friend from dinner with my girl. I hope you have fun there and had an amazing day! :)
      Mar 31, 2017
    9. Sparky
      Thank you hun, hope you had an amazing day as well!
      Apr 1, 2017
      Gabe likes this.
    10. thxrrxks
      @Voguified why is this conversation so entertaining to read
      Apr 4, 2017
      Gabe, Sparky and bare like this.