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  • Comments on Profile Post by IExo_

    1. Sparky
      Well I live in Australia, I finished College over a year ago.
      Mar 26, 2017
    2. IExo_
      Oh alright well late congrats on finishing college I guess
      Mar 26, 2017
    3. benji

      Cypriot is 21 but he's allowed to play?/1/1
      Mar 26, 2017
      IExo_, SlowPot, Sparky and 1 other person like this.
    4. Andrewswj
      Mar 26, 2017
    5. SlowPot
      Leave my cute sparky alone smhh.
      Mar 26, 2017
      Sparky likes this.
    6. Kyaaaal
      Because age defines whether or not you can still enjoy something...
      Mar 26, 2017
      Sparky and benji like this.
    7. IExo_
      Well i mean i just assume older people have better things to do...and if minecraft why not a ps4 game lmao
      Mar 26, 2017
    8. Sparky
      I play PS4 but I've recently got locked out of my PSN account.
      Mar 26, 2017
    9. IExo_
      lol how? ive heard of it happening
      Mar 26, 2017
    10. Sparky
      Changing the password too many times that I ended up forgetting what the password was and the date of birth isn't mine so I can't access it.
      Mar 26, 2017
    11. IExo_
      oh wow are you gonna contact the PS4 company or sony ?
      Mar 26, 2017
    12. Sparky
      Already have and they did nothing about it, so I've been thinking of just making a new one but I'm quite upset that I've lost all my trophies and online stuff.
      Mar 26, 2017
    13. IExo_
      oh yeah same i'd be so pissed
      Mar 26, 2017
    14. Sparky
      Yep, haven't played anything online on the PS4 in about 3-4 months, so I'm pretty ticked off about it.
      Mar 26, 2017
    15. benji
      tbh this is the only game im still into, i get so bored playing xbox and im only 14
      Mar 27, 2017
    16. IExo_
      Ok then...what do you play? Smash bros n sh*t? Lmao try watch dogs 2 or gta v
      Mar 27, 2017
    17. benji
      i have lol
      i got bored of them
      i only play for the achievements now
      Mar 27, 2017
    18. Kyaaaal
      Watch Dogs isn't an overly good game. Gameplay isn't as good as it should be. GTA V is extremely boring now. They do a good job at redeeming the game for a week or two when they bring out an update, but after that it just isn't good.

      You want to find a game that you enjoy, that also has a long story mode to it. Maybe try Skyrim.
      Mar 27, 2017
      Andrewswj likes this.
    19. IExo_
      Watchdogs 1 gameplay was okay I finished it in a week but watchdogs 2 is still fun
      Mar 27, 2017
    20. Sparky
      I honestly loved playing The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt, that was one of my most favourite and enjoyable games that I played on PS4.
      Mar 27, 2017
    21. Andrewswj
      Skyrim is great!
      Mar 28, 2017
    22. benji
      Ive never played Skyrim... 1/10?
      Mar 28, 2017
      Sparky likes this.
    23. Vaxix
      I am 27 and still play...
      @Pile is 26 ;p
      Mar 29, 2017
      Sparky and PiLe like this.