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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bananurz

    1. dankmeme
      it'll die by oct probs
      Mar 25, 2017
    2. SpiderVenom_
      It's not gonna last long...
      Mar 25, 2017
    3. PiLe
      What's with the emo status. lol
      Mar 26, 2017
      Jhow, SpiderVenom_ and pre like this.
    4. Bananurz
      With Random's demotion, it just makes me think how low this place has actually sunk
      Mar 26, 2017
    5. SpiderVenom_
      emo status LMAO
      Mar 26, 2017
    6. SpiderVenom_
      #Spider4Mod Make Mineverse Great Again :D
      Mar 26, 2017
      Bananurz and Random like this.
    7. sircorgi
      Many have said these type of comments, and people predicted MV's downfall early this year.

      We're still going, but I do see your point. We won't last long unless Cyp and Crew work together, with the staff, and get this server back to proper stability.
      It really is not as hard as many think it is. Just accept suggestions, ask the devs to implement those suggestions, and just help out the community by posting more
      Apr 6, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.
    8. sircorgi
      I know for a fact that the owners on a very popular server (The server of bees) actually look at threads, and post on them. And they probably get more stuff to deal with in a day than what Cyp would get in 3 or even a week.
      Apr 6, 2017