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  • Comments on Profile Post by Glaadiator

    1. Glaadiator
      The word frappé is French and comes from the verb frapper which means to 'hit'; in this context, however, in French, when describing a drink, the word frappé means chilled, as with ice cubes in a shaker. The frappé has become a hallmark of the post-war outdoor Greek coffee culture.
      Aug 11, 2014
    2. Glaadiator
      The coffee can be made either with a cocktail shaker or an appropriate mixer (e.g. a hand mixer). One or two teaspoons of instant coffee, sugar (to taste) and a little water are blended to form a foam, which is poured into a tall glass. To this is added cold water and ice cubes, and, optionally, milk - typically evaporated milk. The glass is served with a drinking straw.
      Aug 11, 2014
    3. Grayson
      Aug 11, 2014
    4. 196
      "To frap or not to frap"

      What an interesting word
      Aug 11, 2014
    5. MiningCreeper454
      This is the bomb.
      Mint frappe just
      Just starbucks
      Aug 11, 2014