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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bananurz

    1. sircorgi
      where I am, there's a normal storm going on

      yesterday it was pouring and my mum drove into leg-deep water. She thought that it was alright because other cars were driving into it. But Toyota cars have this thing where if water touches the engine, it shuts it off.
      Mar 16, 2017
    2. sircorgi
      rip rip our car, engine got flooded and we had to write it off
      Mar 16, 2017
    3. Bananurz
      Mar 16, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    4. sircorgi
      dad set the car to market value which was a bad choice

      We bought the car for about 20-25k and only got 12k which is about half of what we paid for lmao.

      I mean I'm the only kid who actually knows cars so I'm trying to find a decent car that my mum will like
      Mar 17, 2017