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  • Comments on Profile Post by Squire

    1. dera
      Awe. :(
      Mar 13, 2017
    2. Ant_Pearl
      hahahahahahhahah!!!!! LOOOOOOOSER!!!!!
      Mar 13, 2017
    3. IExo_
      R.I.P I was gonna say "its good you had the courage to talk to her" but if you didnt talk to her you wouldnt've fell
      Mar 13, 2017
    4. Ares_Xena
      Most people at the end of their life regret not doing something. So instead of complaining like this is Twitter, go to talk to "her". Or is it your mum?..
      Mar 13, 2017
    5. Squire
      It was mostly a joke lol. I did talk to her though
      Mar 13, 2017