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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bananurz

    1. Ertuiop
      Mar 4, 2017
    2. Jhow
      I've noticed recently that life is great and not all about minecraft guys. 1 days later: Hey guys who wants to have a bedwars marathon with me!
      Mar 4, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.
    3. sircorgi
      it's funny how you say that because you call the game petty and you're on a forum based on it

      if you know what I mean
      Mar 4, 2017
    4. Bananurz
      tru tru
      Mar 4, 2017
    5. pre
      you've got a point, reborn. but this isn't the game, this is a message board for the community. lack of interest in the game itself doesn't mean lack of interest in communications with it's players of which acquaintance and friendship relations exist.
      Mar 4, 2017
      Titanicguy and Bananurz like this.
    6. Bananurz
      ^^^ well stated, I'm just too tired to engage in a fight lol
      Mar 4, 2017
    7. elrak
      funny how you had to leave the country to finally realize that there's more to life than just minecraft
      Mar 4, 2017
    8. Bananurz
      hadn't been out of the country since I got staff so not really
      Mar 4, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    9. sircorgi
      @Prefixed it was only a joke ;p

      @elrak pretty sure he knew what a life was before he went out the country, he just saw more to it.

      s i g h .
      Mar 4, 2017
    10. elrak
      I never said he didn't know what a life was ? ? ? also taking it a bit literal aren't we?
      Mar 5, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    11. sircorgi
      Mar 5, 2017
    12. Titanicguy
      Mar 7, 2017
    13. Greg
      Im corny
      Mar 8, 2017
    14. sircorgi
      Mar 8, 2017