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  • Comments on Profile Post by Malc

    1. IExo_

      if you dont mind me asking r u homeschooled?
      Feb 28, 2017
    2. Malc
      I go to a school, but all of our work is online, so basically we just come in and sit at a computer for 5+ hours
      Feb 28, 2017
    3. IExo_
      xDD im homeschooled and i do that too just sit on a computer doing schoolwork for awhile
      Feb 28, 2017
    4. Dev
      den play mc
      Feb 28, 2017
    5. sircorgi
      @Mvdi our school migrated to BYOD this year so I had to spend 1k dollars on a laptop + tablet but it was worth it.

      We pretty much do all of our English online, and for the rest we either only use it for research or we use it for other purposes

      it's rlly lit
      Mar 1, 2017
      Malc likes this.
    6. sircorgi
      btw may I ask what website you use?

      We use Google classroom for all subjects and for science work we do stile app.
      Mar 1, 2017
    7. Malc

      I use 'MobyMax' for some classes and my school's website for the others. I'm basically just here to get where I need to be since I didn't go to school for awhile and I'm very behind as a result
      Mar 1, 2017
    8. sircorgi
      MobyMax looks bad imo. IT LOOKS BAD DOESN'T MEAN I'M SAYING IT IS BAD

      our school website is useless, I only go on it to look at the newsletter if I threw my other one away
      Mar 1, 2017
    9. Malc
      MobyMax is awful lol

      Ours has all that + some of our courses depending on where we're at. MobyMax focuses mainly on middle school courses while the other website is more for high school.

      The only reason I still use MobyMax is because I still have some 8th grade classes to finish before I can officially promote to 9th, since I didn't go for a couple of years like I said :/
      Mar 1, 2017
    10. Malc
      also I didn't even know Google Classroom was a thing, how does that work?
      Mar 1, 2017
    11. sircorgi
      Mar 1, 2017
    12. sircorgi
      it's really helpful, because you know what homework to do and also you can look at resources to help your learning, etc.

      We can make posts if the teacher enables it but most of the time we aren't allowed to.
      Mar 1, 2017
    13. Malc
      That seems great tbh, organized and easy to navigate
      Our system is very disorganized for the most part lol
      Mar 1, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    14. sircorgi
      lmao xp

      Our English teacher is by far the best because she's one of the only teachers that's really integrated the BYOD system in the class. We use it all the time, and we look at powerpoints (or google slides) with her and stuff

      it's all fun in that class
      Mar 1, 2017
    15. Malc
      wow i'm jealous
      Mar 1, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    16. sircorgi
      u shud be loser
      Mar 1, 2017
      Dev likes this.