because America happened
oh, right
Ugh why can't I travel to the other side of the world
because you have no rights
What social class am i
god tier
what that guy said
God tier = no rights because no rules
But there are no rules so you have rights Like being edgy 24/7
I'm as edgy as those plastic knives they give you for lunch in elementary school
Someone stabbed me with that
They sharpened it by using your words
e d g y
I'm going to kill you both oml (It's a joke guys not for real)
@Pile Death threats
nooo don't hammer me like last time @Pile I'll be good boy
Nooo @Pile @reborn is a marshmallow, please do not ban
Marshmellows' don't death threat people @Clxrity help
Why are you trying to get our boy banned
@Titanicguy I'm going to drive you in so hard, harder than when you struck that iceberg
I'm gonna beat you so hard You'll have a twitch!
I already have twitch actually I don't should I make an account
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