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  • Comments on Profile Post by Linux

    1. Bananurz
      idk, is it?
      Feb 27, 2017
    2. ferras
      Feb 27, 2017
    3. pre
      that or an ipod touch lol.
      Feb 27, 2017
    4. sircorgi
      it's a iPhone 5c

      it doesn't look like an iPod touch and nobody uses it as well so
      Mar 4, 2017
    5. pre
      dude, i use one everyday. more specifically a blue one that resembles what nanurz is holding in his hand in his pfp - lmao.
      Mar 4, 2017
    6. Linux
      I have a phone exactly like that but green, and it's an iPhone 5c.
      Mar 4, 2017
    7. sircorgi
      @Prefixed If it was the iPod touch, then it'd have the iPod words on the bottom of the logo.

      There'd also be that weird circle on the bottom left corner and that black tab on the top.

      Also, the colour looks more like the iPhone 5c than the iPod touch.
      Mar 4, 2017
    8. pre
      i don't actually think it's an ipod touch, i'm just arguing the fact that it could be. his finger is covering the spot where "iPod" would be displayed and the photo quality isn't the best. also, that little silver circle you're referring to was only on the fifth generation and removed in the sixth.
      Mar 4, 2017
    9. ferras
      Guys, this is ridiculous. Arguing on a iPhone? lol+
      Mar 4, 2017
    10. sircorgi
      we aren't arguing?

      @Prefixed there could be that chance it really is, but I doubt it considering the 6th gen iPod touch has a dark-ish blue colour, so it can't be that. It could be the 5th gen but it more looks like the iPhone 5c :P
      Mar 5, 2017
    11. pre
      it's really more like brainstorming, xav.

      i never actually noticed the difference in the blues on both ipods. i looked at my own ipod, as well as a picture of the ipod 6g and the apple is reflective, whereas in this photo it is black. on the iphone 5c, the apple is just a plain black color; so unless the logo was reflecting something dark at the time of this photo, i guess you're right.
      Mar 5, 2017
    12. pre
      nanurz, you're like two generations out of the groove. i think it's time to upgrade.
      Mar 5, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.
    13. Bananurz
      Mar 5, 2017
    14. Linux
      I knew you guys were nerdy but not THIS nerdy...
      Mar 5, 2017
      Greg and pre like this.
    15. sircorgi
      Linux please you're a kid who's trying to code

      this is simple tech knowledge

      Mar 6, 2017
      Greg likes this.
    16. sircorgi
      Mar 6, 2017