Somebody once told me.... That Ordi will get promoted <3
Somebody once told me... That I will become Owner of Mineverse
lol xD
someday... it might happened
Yea... it might...
You'll both probably get mod lmao cant wait <3
Sure sure...
Somebody once told me... Pink wants to get promoted with me and Ordi
Somebody once told me... Porky didn't apply yet
Someone once told me... That pink and ordi will be mods and porky will apply
Some once told me... Mvxine will resign and I'll get promoted
If Mvxine leaves. Im leaving too... :(
I ain't resigning lmao
Somebody once told me Mvxine is going for Head-Mod
Exposed @kinsey_kid I'm coming for u
Somebody once told me... I will delete this post because it's too long
Somebody once told me... Ordi will get promoted then delete the post
You guys predicted the future
Shelby ssshhhh :>
Somebody once told me... I will officially delete this post because I am mod
Nu :(
Nu Nu :(
Comments on Profile Post by Ordi