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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bananurz

    1. Bananurz
      @Pile wtf where is my happy birthday ;(
      Feb 24, 2017
    2. PiLe
      I HAD NO IDEA!!!!! I'm so sorry! D:
      Happy Birfday!
      Feb 24, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.
    3. Bananurz
      Yay! :D ty ;p
      Feb 24, 2017
      PiLe likes this.
    4. sircorgi
      @Pile we all know you didn't want to wish nana a happy birthday
      Feb 24, 2017
    5. PiLe
      Honestly the forums have been super laggy for me and half the time I can't get pages to even load. They just lag out. It's caused some inactivity in me here tbh.
      I hope you had a great birthday. <3
      Feb 24, 2017
    6. Bananurz
      The forums has also been lagging for me, was doing it this morning. Strange. Thanks again, had a good b-day.
      Feb 24, 2017
    7. PiLe
      Please let Cyp know. I don't think he knows it's as big of an issue as it is.
      Feb 24, 2017
    8. Bananurz
      Yeah I'll be sure to let him know.
      Feb 24, 2017
      PiLe likes this.
    9. sircorgi
      same here

      sometimes, and it always happens at school, the page half loads or doesn't load at all, it just shows the background. It takes me like, 5 reloads to get everything shown.
      Feb 24, 2017
      PiLe likes this.
    10. sircorgi
      And it is definitely not the school firewall or network, because I can load other websites just fine. And it wouldn't make sense that if there was a firewall, why it'd still let me on the website when it actually blocks some "websites" people try to go on
      Feb 24, 2017
    11. Bananurz
    12. PiLe
    13. Bananurz
      said said he's trying to fix it
      Feb 25, 2017
    14. PiLe
      Ya he's working on it rn actually I think.
      Feb 25, 2017
    15. Bananurz
      ite, cool
      Feb 25, 2017
    16. sircorgi
      that's exactly what's happening to me

      most of the time it's pictures but sometimes it can be whole text boxes, words, or even a whole thread or page
      Feb 25, 2017
      Bananurz likes this.