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  • Comments on Profile Post by Winnfield

    1. Titanicguy
      My brother has like 3 micro computers
      Feb 18, 2017
    2. Winnfield
      I only have 1, I don't really have a need for any more ;p

      I just know Matt has like a quantum computer made from Raspberry Pi's xD
      Feb 18, 2017
    3. matt
      Those were for a job, they're not mine :(

      They were running eaiter CentOS or Raspbian, I can't remember.
      Feb 19, 2017
      Winnfield likes this.
    4. Winnfield
      Oh. That's a shame :( I love these things :D

      Mine is running Ubuntu currently, I'm trying to learn Unix as much as I can.
      Feb 19, 2017
      matt likes this.
    5. matt
      I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my main desktop. Crashing 2-3 times a day, and have to boot into recovery mode, decrypt the drive and then resume normal boot.... that's how f1ucked it is.
      Feb 19, 2017
      Winnfield likes this.
    6. Winnfield
      Why use Ubuntu then - lol? xD
      Feb 19, 2017
    7. matt
      Already committed to it :c
      Feb 19, 2017
    8. Winnfield
      Rip D:
      Feb 24, 2017