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  • Comments on Profile Post by Skydiver

    1. Christi
      Yes because I'm a nub and can't use blender or those fancy programs :P
      Aug 10, 2014
    2. Skydiver
      want me to make you one? :P
      Im being nice atm....
      Aug 10, 2014
    3. Christi
      Hmm okay if you want :D
      Aug 10, 2014
    4. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      OMG! @Skydiver27 please make me one <3
      Aug 10, 2014
    5. Skydiver
      mkay what pose do you guyz want
      Aug 10, 2014
    6. Christi
      Smasher stahp crashing the party jks jks
      Aug 10, 2014
    7. Skydiver
    8. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      You can choose @Skydiver27
      and thanks sooo much <3
      Aug 10, 2014