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  • Comments on Profile Post by Apocalypses

    1. dera
      Don't give an estimation on when you will reapply, reapply when YOU are ready.
      Feb 17, 2017
      Apocalypses likes this.
    2. IExo_
      Lol why resign if ur gonna reapply
      Feb 18, 2017
      Greg likes this.
    3. sircorgi
      Because they don't want to get demoted of inactivity

      It's best to resign and reapply later because you're only going to get hate from doing nothing
      Feb 20, 2017
      Apocalypses likes this.
    4. IExo_
      Feb 20, 2017
    5. Apocalypses
      Yeah, some family issues popped up and I've just been super busy with school and irl things I couldn't focus on minecraft as much as I probably needed as a mod. Considering I work every other day along with school / school work and balancing in a social life I didn't have much time to moderate. During the summer I will most likely have more time and it seems that will be a good time to re apply. :)
      Feb 20, 2017
      IExo_ and sircorgi like this.
    6. sircorgi
      all good :)
      Feb 20, 2017
      Apocalypses likes this.
    7. IExo_
      O cool well imma resupport it because you helped me and you were a good mod
      Feb 20, 2017
      Apocalypses likes this.
    8. Clones5
      I play two sports a season year round idek how I managed for a brief time xD
      Feb 23, 2017
    9. sircorgi
      Feb 24, 2017