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  • Comments on Profile Post by UncleUrnesto

    1. sircorgi
      What did someone get demoted or are you just saying it from something that happened
      Feb 3, 2017
    2. dera
      Feb 3, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    3. UncleUrnesto
      Somethin that happened
      Feb 3, 2017
    4. sircorgi
      @Kylie Jenner oh jeez xd

      Makes sense Uncle, sometimes I wish the moderators were given the test my promo group was given

      I don't think they have it anymore
      Feb 3, 2017
    5. UncleUrnesto
      Literally moderator was banning someone for "headsnapping" and won't even link a video to it.
      Feb 3, 2017
    6. sircorgi
      They need to link the video. If there is none or the video got deleted they need to unban the person.

      That is unless they don't want to because they have no need to
      Feb 3, 2017
    7. UncleUrnesto
      The player that was banned was trying to ask moderators in-game for the link because he can't make a forums account and no moderator wants to help.
      Feb 3, 2017
    8. sircorgi
      That's sad

      Then again links don't work in game
      Feb 3, 2017