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  • Comments on Profile Post by WhyteDuck

    1. WhyteDuck
      *all around me are familiar facesss*
      Feb 3, 2017
    2. Snorlax
      Feb 5, 2017
    3. Snorlax
      Don't worry, I turn mine off when I get to mineverse. You should come on minetime and try it, they're really fun. That's why everyone hacks lol
      Feb 5, 2017
      WhyteDuck likes this.
    4. WhyteDuck
      Im strong, and i shall not fall to the duckside!
      Feb 6, 2017
    5. Snorlax
      Actually, everyone who has never hacked thinks it's really bad. I did once too. When you get too bored with pvp, you'll want to go to Minetime and hack. It then becomes a competition of who has the better hacked client and knows how to use it. I don't depend on hacks, I usually don't even use them on Minetime. They're just a fun little cheat.
      Feb 9, 2017
    6. WhyteDuck
      I've used the, when i was 12 ;p
      Feb 10, 2017
    7. Express555
      I wonder why Minetime hackers go to Mineverse. I wonder why can't they just stay in Minetime. I mean, it's not broken or anything.
      Feb 11, 2017
    8. Mega_
      It takes more skill to be a good hacker than it does at being a decent pvper. It's also more entertaining watching two bhoopers fighting than two good pvpers.
      Feb 13, 2017
      Express555 likes this.