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  • Comments on Profile Post by Andrewswj

    1. Kyaaaal
      Thank you very much :)

      I still enjoy the hate I receive because I'm a terrible mod, but at least I'm noticed.
      Feb 1, 2017
    2. Andrewswj
      No, you're not a terrible mod. You do so much work, you upload ban logs consistently (I believe you xD), and you are really focused, very mature. <3
      Feb 1, 2017
    3. Kyaaaal
      I've been keeping up with my ban logs, yeah. The staying focused part is very meh right now as I've been ill for the past 3 weeks. Mature, I guess I can be when I'm not in a mood.
      Feb 1, 2017
    4. Andrewswj
      Syn, I believe in you. :) You are already doing an amazing job as a Moderator. I'm right behind you!
      Feb 2, 2017