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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. sircorgi
      I mean I'm still a bit upset and all but I don't think my dog is going to be happy in an environment where it's just going to let down my mum's hard work and money (Plant's cost money)
      Jan 27, 2017
    2. Miyukii
      Your mom doesn't want to give your dog a chance at training? My dog was terrible for a long time and took a lot of effort to train, but now he's good and I'd never trade him

      I'm sorry about it all :(
      Jan 27, 2017
      amli likes this.
    3. Surge
      That sucks but your mum can't just abandon an animal she agreed to commit to. Its like If she just decided to get someone to adopt you.
      Jan 27, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    4. Miyukii
      Breaking three plants doesn't seem like that much of an offense to me. It's not good obviously, but it seems like something that could be forgivable. The dog is, or at least should be worth more than a couple plants. Your dog hasn't done anything too bad other than this, correct?
      Jan 27, 2017
      sircorgi likes this.
    5. sircorgi
      Oh he's done a bit more than that

      pooping in the house, ripping up this small mat and yeah

      It doesn't make sense either but I guess my mum thinks it's too much of a hassle
      Jan 27, 2017
    6. Miyukii
      My dog was extremely aggressive and would try to attack other people and animals that he didn't know. He wasn't destructive, but he always made messes in the house all the time.

      Now he likes people and he asks to go outside when he needs to go.

      I'm sorry your mom doesn't want to try to train him.
      Jan 27, 2017
    7. sircorgi
      all good, who knows I might be able to get a cat but I dun't see that coming

      Yes I love cats too all of a sudden
      Jan 27, 2017
      Alana likes this.
    8. Alana
      My dad literally hated the idea of getting a cat, but my mom kind of forced him to and now he completely loves them. And he somehow went on a adopting and fostering rampage, and now we have like 5 cats.

      Cats are really great animal if they are treated right.

      I hope everything goes well with your dog :(
      Jan 27, 2017
      Miyukii likes this.
    9. Miyukii
      People who've never really interacted with cats have really odd ideas about them sometimes, all it takes is one cat to change someone's mind

      I hope so too
      Jan 27, 2017
    10. sircorgi
      My mum said mayb because she knows they definitely aren't crazy about plants (Most of them) and they are less of a hassle to look after so you can spend time loving them

      But dogs are better in my list, I'll just get one when I'm living alone
      Jan 27, 2017