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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ertuiop

    1. Sparky
      Hey :)
      Jan 27, 2017
      Ertuiop likes this.
    2. Ertuiop
      Hru today? Did you sleep well? :)
      Jan 28, 2017
    3. Sparky
      I'm doing pretty well today but my sleep could of been better :) How are you?
      Jan 28, 2017
    4. Ertuiop
      Nice to know that you're fine, maybe you should get some rest though :)
      I'm happy, I have less homeworks than usually, vacations are in 1 week for me, and I reached recently 2500 Messages and 700 Positive Ratings :D
      Jan 28, 2017
    5. Sparky
      I might, but I've got plans to call someone in a little bit :)
      Congratulation sweetheart!
      Jan 28, 2017
      Ertuiop likes this.
    6. Ertuiop
      Thanks! :)
      Oh btw did I win the poke war? :3
      Jan 28, 2017
    7. Ertuiop
      Thanks for rating my suggestions support btw :)
      Jan 29, 2017