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  • Comments on Profile Post by Sparky

    1. SavageTM
      Jan 25, 2017
    2. Ruminisque
      So he knocked her down?
      Jan 25, 2017
    3. SavageTM
      No he brought her up, emotionally.
      Jan 25, 2017
    4. Ruminisque
      But you said she fell.
      Jan 25, 2017
    5. Ruminisque
      Hasn't stopped what? Falling?
      Jan 26, 2017
    6. Legalized
      "She's falling but she doesn't think he'll catch her cause her last relationship was a disaster."
      Jan 26, 2017
      Sparky likes this.
    7. Legalized
      @Ruminisque she fell in love with him and hasn't gotten up which means she hasn't stopped loving him. I swear you're a meme.
      Jan 26, 2017
    8. Ruminisque
      No, I just decided to take what he said literally.
      Jan 26, 2017
    9. Ruminisque
      And I don't understand what the relationship between being caught by someone whilst falling, and having a bad previous relationship is. Really, this has so many flaws it's unbelievable.
      Jan 26, 2017
    10. Sparky
      Just listen to the song, maybe then you'll understand.
      Losin control - Russ.
      Jan 26, 2017
    11. Ruminisque
      Why did they spell "Losing" wrong? Are they from a different nation, where English spelling and grammar is not considered to be important?
      Jan 26, 2017
    12. Sparky
      How am I meant to know? I only listen to the songs, not create the titles.
      Jan 26, 2017
    13. Legalized
      Ignore him sparky he's just trolling which is actually bannable read the rules
      Jan 26, 2017
    14. Ruminisque
      I am not trolling. I'm simply asking logical questions to try and discern the meanings of the song and song-writers.
      Jan 26, 2017