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  • Comments on Profile Post by BubblyBab3

    1. PiLe
      What's up?
      Aug 8, 2014
    2. BubblyBab3
      There's something wrong with the mod app I just made, it says I've gone over 10k letters so I fix it and it still does it when I know I haven't gone over 10k ._.
      Aug 8, 2014
    3. BubblyBab3
      Even something happened with the colours it's very confusing
      Aug 8, 2014
    4. PiLe
      Well unfortunately I can't help you there... Maybe copy what you have to a word document and edit it there. Then paste it back?
      idk... :(
      Aug 8, 2014
    5. BubblyBab3
      Can you close it so I can try again? Maybe
      Aug 8, 2014