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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alana

    1. Ordi
      I only have my part 2 of the math test this week and I am free like a duck.... But @WhyteDuck isn't a free duck
      Jan 23, 2017
    2. Alana
      I have 3 mid terms this week, and then another 3 next week ;-;
      Im gonna fail :D
      Jan 23, 2017
    3. Ordi
      Good Luck!
      Jan 23, 2017
    4. Alana
      Thanks xd
      I currently have many hours of studying to do
      So fun!
      Jan 23, 2017
    5. Ares_Xena
      Welcome to the problem of any teenager. As much as you prepare that horrible feeling will not go away. Dedicate yourself to midterms. If you have trouble with a particilar subject then ask for extra tutoring.
      Jan 23, 2017
    6. Scorv
      Elephantlovr I'll ban you for a week so you're less stressed out ;P
      Jan 23, 2017
    7. Alana
      Thanks for the tips, and Scorvix that sounds like a great idea xd but I'll just stick to not playing this week ;p
      Jan 23, 2017
    8. Scorv
      Okay, gotcha ;D
      Jan 23, 2017
    9. Griff
      Me too
      Jan 25, 2017