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  • Comments on Profile Post by WIildeBob

    1. Legalized
      Cheer up bro!! I'll give you a vpn if you need one, delete him & block him on skype or anything you have to contact him/her
      Jan 22, 2017
    2. GizzBots
      $20? I lost a $440 knife on CSGO to a mate I knew.
      Jan 22, 2017
    3. w0t_
      you can't trust anyone. thats what iv'e learnt in my times. you think theyre your best friend, but then they turn there back on you
      Jan 22, 2017
    4. WIildeBob
      GizzBots im not exactly the richest person in the world. 20$ means alot more to me than it probably is for you.
      Jan 22, 2017
    5. Phan
      Who was it?
      May 1, 2017