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  • Comments on Profile Post by Legalized

    1. Ordi
      True and inspiring
      Jan 21, 2017
      Legalized likes this.
    2. Kheidra
      What if you don't have hands?
      Better keep them feet out my socks
      Jan 21, 2017
      sarah. likes this.
    3. Valor
      you can climb a slanted latter with only your feet
      Jan 21, 2017
    4. Syndicade
      in Russia
      You don't climb ladder
      Ladder climb you
      Jan 21, 2017
      Valor likes this.
    5. Valor
      You also can't climb the ladder of success when you no-life on a Minecraft server
      Jan 21, 2017
      sarah., bare and Cotner like this.
    6. Legalized
      If you're trying to roast me it's not working because I don't no life any minecraft servers LOL
      Jan 21, 2017
    7. Valor
      Right but you date on one
      Jan 21, 2017
    8. Legalized
      Why does it matter to you what I do with my life because at the end of the day I bought a car, I make money, I have an education, I'm athletic and you're over here trying to roast me. Pff go away and keep being the typical salty ex mod. Ps I literally just turned 17
      Jan 21, 2017
      SavageTM likes this.
    9. SavageTM
      Valor your saying you can't climb the ladder of success because you like playing a game? Look at you young man, you were Mod on a minecraft server. Once requirement was to dedicate a majority of your time to that server. Dude you have no room to talk, in the end, you hide behind a screen and judge others?
      Jan 21, 2017
    10. Valor
      What relevance does any of that have. All I was saying is that part of success to me is marrying, and you can't marry through Minecraft as far as I know.
      Jan 21, 2017
    11. SavageTM
      Dating over Minecraft? Love is universal mate. You have HIV, Hate In the Veins. People like you don't run society or get anywhere in life. Others who care, don't for your type. If you got a problem about someone trying to be inspirational, than you got some mental issues m8.
      Jan 21, 2017
      Legalized likes this.
    12. Valor
      Also may I point out that I resigned twice because I didn't dedicate the majority of my time to this server lol. Also calling me young man when I believe I'm older than you
      Jan 21, 2017
    13. Syndicade
      Ew Mc drama
      Jan 21, 2017
    14. Valor
      This is what happens when you try to state your opinion on a topic
      Jan 21, 2017
    15. Syndicade
      eh, it's a forum
      Jan 21, 2017
    16. Valor
      good point
      Jan 21, 2017
    17. Ordi
      Now I regret posting here
      Jan 21, 2017
      Valor and Syndicade like this.
    18. Valor
      so do I but for a different reason
      Jan 21, 2017
    19. Syndicade
      like, who cares if someone dates someone they met on a forum.

      im not against it, but I don't recommend it to many lol
      Jan 21, 2017
    20. Valor
      im pretty against it because this is a minecraft forum not a dating site. I have no problem with them dating at all, just take it somewhere else, preferably somewhere that isn't a forum for an online game.
      Jan 21, 2017
    21. Legalized
      Why can't I just post an inspirational quote without others being toxic my god.
      Jan 21, 2017
      xen likes this.
    22. Baby
      Welcome to Mineverse
      Jan 21, 2017
      Legalized likes this.
    23. Syndicade
      just ignore it then? it's not hard m8

      and there's a huge difference between stating your opinion/disagreeing politely, and being judgemental
      Jan 21, 2017
    24. Valor
      forget I said anything, just hard for me to watch every time I come here.
      Jan 21, 2017
    25. proj
      Jan 21, 2017