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  • Comments on Profile Post by Coastic

    1. Coastic
      Heat olive oil in a small, non-stick pan over medium heat.
      Jan 21, 2017
    2. Coastic
      Crack the egg directly into the pan and season generously with salt and pepper.
      Jan 21, 2017
    3. Coastic
      Continue cooking the egg over medium heat for about three minutes, or until the white is set and slightly crispy around the edges, but the yolk is still quite runny.
      Jan 21, 2017
    4. Coastic
      Optional: 30 seconds before removing the egg from the pan & shutting off heat, place a singular slice of cheese.
      Jan 21, 2017
    5. Coastic
      Put egg on plate and top it off with anything of your choice!
      Jan 21, 2017
    6. Malc
      my mom said we don't have eggs
      Jan 21, 2017
    7. Coastic
      Jan 21, 2017
    8. sircorgi
      that's really digusting ngl

      1. I first crack the egg and put it in a bowl which isn't wooden or plastic but I still put it in a wooden bowl
      2. I then put salt and pepper in it and mix it all w a fork and see that there's more salt on the benchtop than the bowl itself
      3. I then preheat the pan and start making some coffee or tea because we don't have a coffee machine yet and I somehow put juice instead of water
      Jan 21, 2017
    9. sircorgi
      4. Once preheated I spread butter and wait until it starts crackling and bubbles are visible and it gets in my eyes
      5. I then pour the egg mixture and wait until I can slide my egg flip under
      6. Then I flip it like mad and look at the mess I've made
      7. I put the ruined omelette on a plate and toast some bread, only for it to be burnt
      Jan 21, 2017
    10. sircorgi
      8. I put it all together and go to make my coffee or tea and burn myself in the process

      Boom done. pretty much ever time I make an omelette because the sound of cooking eggs the way you do it makes me want to puke
      Jan 21, 2017