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  • Comments on Profile Post by bare

    1. Legalized
      Jan 17, 2017
      Syndicade, Kyra and Stacker7 like this.
    2. Kyra
      I'm backkkkkk
      Jan 18, 2017
    3. Syndicade
      Jan 18, 2017
    4. bare
      Well yeah that's because you were upset about your ban and came back lmao
      Jan 18, 2017
    5. Kyra
      I wasn't upset, just invalid
      Jan 18, 2017
    6. bare
      How was it invalid LOL you said "jump off a bridge", and I confirmed it with a mod to see if it was a death wish. Sure enough, it was!
      Jan 18, 2017
    7. Kyra
      Hah, I said Fall* for one. And oop look, cyp said it was a warning. So look it wasn't that severe !
      Jan 18, 2017
    8. bare
      You could have said fall or jump, the ban was necessary. To you it doesn't seem so severe because you had to cry to cyp about it lmfao
      Jan 18, 2017
    9. Syndicade
      Why do you care shes unbanned? Why does it even matter?

      is someone salty over a person being unbanned on a forum ????

      snowflake generation
      Jan 18, 2017
    10. Kyra
      I had to cry to cyp? Not lmao, I said one thing which was "unban me pls kthx" as a joke and he did.
      Jan 18, 2017
    11. bare
      I care because it's completely unfair, she deserved her ban and got cyp to unban her when it clearly says in the rules a death wish is worth 31 days of a ban.

      This just promotes others to do the same.
      Jan 18, 2017
    12. Kyra
      A death wish? I didn't wish for him to die? I simply said a statement in which was just a joke.
      Jan 18, 2017
    13. bare
      Now you're going way back. It indeed was a death wish, because as stated above I confirmed with a mod before reporting you.
      Jan 18, 2017
    14. Syndicade
      you gonna let it ruin your day? lol
      Jan 18, 2017
    15. bare
      If you don't interfere my day will be just fine thank you
      Jan 18, 2017
    16. Syndicade
      ive been banned for threats as a joke before. Appeal was denied. Oh well

      i don't really care tho because this is a minecraft forum

      if bans on a site are personally affecting you - something is very wrong lol
      Jan 18, 2017
    17. bare
      You're being irrelevant, this doesn't have anything to do with personally affecting me. I get it, you don't care. You've said that about 27746284 on the forums now. If you're trying to teach me a lesson by saying bs like "minecraft forums" or "bans on a site" it's really not working, I know what I'm doing you don't need to help.
      Jan 18, 2017
    18. bare
      Consider working on your own mistakes, because hypocritically you make big deals on the forums too.
      Jan 18, 2017
    19. Syndicade
      here's logic:

      *sees unfair ban*
      *starts to complain of it on profile which will do nothing*

      lol k
      Jan 18, 2017
    20. Kyra
      If it was severe, cyp wouldn't have unbanned me. End of story.
      Jan 18, 2017