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  • Comments on Profile Post by BrokenSoapx

    1. baile y
      baile y
      Jan 16, 2017
      BrokenSoapx likes this.
    2. BrokenSoapx
      how've you been?
      Jan 18, 2017
    3. baile y
      baile y
      gr3at, wbu? :3
      Jan 18, 2017
    4. follow me
      follow me
      I've been good. Thanks for asking :)
      Jan 18, 2017
    5. BrokenSoapx
      been good . ive got a riding competition tomorrow >.< so im nervous
      Jan 18, 2017
    6. follow me
      follow me
      o thats fun. im good too
      Jan 19, 2017
    7. baile y
      baile y
      !!! awesome. ive never ridden a horse :p
      Jan 19, 2017
    8. follow me
      follow me
      I know that. Why are u telling me these things.
      Jan 20, 2017
    9. BrokenSoapx
      I screwed up on the competition lol
      Jan 20, 2017
    10. baile y
      baile y
      ?? how?
      Jan 20, 2017
    11. follow me
      follow me
      I also already knew that. stop ignoring me.
      Jan 21, 2017