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  • Comments on Profile Post by 3yerrt

    1. Titanicguy
      They dropkick you?
      Jan 11, 2017
    2. 3yerrt
      Nah mate. You see, Dropbears like to lull you in with friendly smiles and cute faces. And then, when you least expect it, they launch their attack. They tend to drop from trees onto unsuspecting victims.
      Jan 11, 2017
    3. Titanicguy
      Then the curbstomp?
      Damn nature is scary
      Jan 11, 2017
    4. yehs
      Ye mate. Ya see mate de koala bear mate is an unique little ripper yeah. It'll drop on ye mate like a pile of breaks ye
      Jan 11, 2017
    5. Titanicguy
      Jan 11, 2017