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  • Comments on Profile Post by ferras

    1. Andrewswj
      Jan 10, 2017
    2. ferras
      you won't be re alllying );
      Jan 10, 2017
    3. Andrewswj
      No, I won't be (as far as school is going right now)... I have my plate full right now, but if I find that I have time again, and the dedication to do that again, I will. I don't want to be irresponsible, ya know? :')
      Jan 10, 2017
    4. ferras
      Oh, okay. I understand, I hope you reapply. Good luck in school man!
      Jan 10, 2017
      Andrewswj likes this.
    5. Andrewswj
      Thanks for the support and the compliments you had given me previously! :)
      Jan 10, 2017