Hi papi
bow down to me
Someone come get ya mans
I bow down to no one
I get on my knees for Kyra
;)) bow down to me peasants
I bow down to people who own me but wait you are papi so hmm.
i could let you starve & live in a wh*** house with your mother
I am calling child services
Time to contact a social worker
stacker that's it, im sending you to Cambodia with your mother. have fun with the monkeys
Enjoy your noodles loser
stacker the only thing you'll be able to eat is monkey s***
@Kyra I don't think he wants to eat u
Better than not eating at all ;)
I wish I was like @Stacker7. Always thinking of the positive things
Uhm ez warn, disrespectful
I actually never think of positive things I am just having the time of my life on ts rn.
I wish I was but Alex can't come on so no point
I'll eat Kyra
You might wanna dust some salt off of her before you eat her.
*Slowly walks out of the room*
True I'm very salty
No it's okay I like it raw anyways
I love salt on stuff it gets me extra salty :D
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