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  • Comments on Profile Post by 532

    1. canucksfan44
      Well it offended me. And saying I have no say in the conversation even thought I have all rights to be a part of it since it about a ban related issue.
      Aug 7, 2014
    2. 532
      Just an question why did ducky delete the report? eh?
      Aug 7, 2014
    3. canucksfan44
      He never deleted it... Check in the archive section
      Aug 7, 2014
    4. 532
      canucks listen where did u get ban related issue U don't understand since ducky got god his being Bulling me and i had proof and my old pc then it broke So i still don't understand why i got banned and it was weird how you just joined in the conversation when you were not related in it
      Aug 7, 2014
    5. 532
      ok i forgot.. it was just i could not find it :P
      Aug 7, 2014
    6. 532
      thats weird i just checked the archive section and i didn't find it
      Aug 7, 2014
    7. jarroy
      Make a ban appeal.
      Aug 7, 2014
    8. 532
      Idk if i should I might quit idk being banned for saying shut up to someone who just joined my convo is just Wow and @jarroyonaples may u plz go on archive and try find the report they made on me i must see this
      Aug 7, 2014
    9. jarroy