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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cade

    1. sircorgi
      Oh ye I made that a while back in November when I couldn't find any good profile covers so I made my own

      Ofc there were some good ones that people made for me but they were used for a rlly long time
      Jan 2, 2017
    2. Cade
      What did you use to make it?
      Jan 2, 2017
    3. sircorgi
      I can only remember Nova Skin, and Fotor.com which is an online editing software which I used for the banner and text. I got the dog from google and I can't remember where I got the banner background and grass
      Jan 2, 2017
      Cade likes this.
    4. Cade
      Ok, I'll try to make my own sometime, but probably with penguins
      Jan 2, 2017
    5. sircorgi
      and my beautiful face

      jk I'm ooglay
      Jan 2, 2017