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  • Comments on Profile Post by Darkorso

    1. Maxine
      Obviously he doesn't want you on his profile nagging him. Take a hint?
      Dec 13, 2016
    2. Darkorso
      No thanks, just stupid for him to ignore people and delete the comment like that.
      Dec 13, 2016
      Torch likes this.
    3. Maxine
      He is most likely taking in your opinion, he just chooses to delete them until you find a nicer way of putting it and / or contacting him in a conversation.
      Dec 13, 2016
    4. Darkorso
      I was perfectly nice, even though it was the 50th time I asked, I still put, 'not trying to be rude', you cant be so sensitive.
      Dec 13, 2016
      Maxine likes this.
    5. Darkorso
      Thanks for the like... I guess.... xD
      Dec 13, 2016
    6. Maxine
      Lol I just didn't have anything to say yw c:
      Dec 13, 2016
    7. ferras
      Maybe it wasn't him :3
      Dec 13, 2016