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  • Comments on Profile Post by BabyJr

    1. Arabic Bear
      Arabic Bear
      only 3? My record when I wasn't mod was more then 10 I think xD
      Dec 11, 2016
      BabyJr likes this.
    2. BabyJr
      I just got bandiacam working
      Dec 11, 2016
    3. amli
      Bandicam is gr8, the hotkeys are like everything I need. Sadly I use a mac to I have to manually start stop my recordings
      Dec 11, 2016
    4. BabyJr
      rip ^
      Dec 11, 2016
    5. Arabic Bear
      Arabic Bear
      well if you have windows 10, you can use fn+alt+r to record the game you are playing rn. It doesn't even affect your fps. I love it.
      Dec 11, 2016
    6. BabyJr
      I try to pvp and record for my yt channel, and all i get is 2fps while trying to record (i tried to pvp and record Rn, thats a biig NoNo)
      this is a dell machine, and it sucks already in game.. trying to record for my yt channel is even worse
      Dec 11, 2016
    7. Arabic Bear
      Arabic Bear
      Maybe cause you are recording the game and not your screen with bandicam.
      Dec 11, 2016
    8. Clones5
      Game recording mode gives terrible fps, while screen recording mode is good.
      Dec 12, 2016
    9. BabyJr
      Well, I don't think it would make a difference though, my computer already sucks, it runs on 2fps, i am suprised i can record, kill people and die without crashing my whole computer
      Dec 12, 2016
    10. BabyJr
      Nvm, this resorce pack makes me run on 50fps
      Dec 12, 2016
    11. Squire
      In one day?
      Dec 13, 2016
    12. BabyJr
      In one day what? The resource pack?
      Dec 13, 2016
    13. Andrewswj
      @Bexrs only 10? (jk ily) I use a Mac so it's basically QuickTimePlayer and iMovie... :L
      Dec 14, 2016
      amli likes this.