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  • Comments on Profile Post by MrFishlips

    1. bare
      u got this bruv just be yourself and she'll still love you for who u r
      Dec 5, 2016
      MrFishlips likes this.
    2. MrFishlips
      awh ty ur so kind
      Dec 5, 2016
    3. Alana
      You can do it :3
      Just stay confident, brave, and be yourself ^.^
      Dec 5, 2016
      MrFishlips likes this.
    4. Malc
      search "ally hills coming out song" on YouTube

      however you decide to do it, good luck :D
      Dec 5, 2016
      MrFishlips likes this.
    5. MrFishlips
      oh ive seen that video its p chill but I'm not to sure if I rlly wanna do that tysm tho
      Dec 5, 2016
    6. Maxamul
      Going to give you some advice you may not like.

      Find out their disposition towards your orientation beforehand. If you believe they may do anything that would effect you you may want to hold off and find another way to break it to them.
      Dec 5, 2016
      MrFishlips likes this.
    7. MrFishlips
      Thank you for the help everyone. @Colby! I'm not to afraid of coming out, just how they'll react ( in particular my dad.) I don't really want to make it a big deal, though. Thanks anyways :)
      Dec 5, 2016